Patient Billing

Finds and corrects a patient’s billing and demographic information. Pulls from a patient’s historical payment behavior to determine future payment habits. A more thoughtful approach to patient billing. Reduces some of the stress imposed during stressful times.

Additional Coverage Discovery

Verifies current coverage in minutes before searching for additional opportunities for coverage that’s right for the patient. Presenting more ways to help them pay for care including the potential for financial aid.

Patient Follow Up

The system determines the number of statements needed to collect from a patient based on their propensity to pay. Reduces the amount of money spent following up with patients while reducing time spent on write-offs.

Features of ImagineAI™
  • ImagineBilling™ Integration

    Perform all checks and processes directly within your medical billing system.

  • Charge Central

    Checks for updates to a patient’s demographic details and corrects them automatically.

  • Charge Capture

    Validates existing insurance on account, eligibility check, and ID verification.

  • Propensity to Pay

    Cross-checks a patient’s payment and financial history to determine their likelihood to pay.

  • Patient Statements

    Customize messaging and statement cycle through your preferred statement vendor.

"The manually-intensive process of verifying coverage and working to obtain patient payments is no longer efficient. We have pioneered the technology behind ImagineAI™ to create a truly unique, market-leading product that produces results in a fraction of the time and cost."

Sam Khashman, CEO and President