Latest news and helpful tips for topics including automation, AI, reporting and analytics in medical billing, revenue cycle management, and solutions for patients.
The eligibility and responsibility landscape for imaging practices can be complex and confusing for patients and providers. New automation integrations within the imaging workflow are helping streamline insurance-related tasks by verifying eligibility for patient exams, identifying patient responsibility at the time of service, enhancing scheduling processes, and meeting the upcoming CDSM mandate for Appropriate Use Criteria.
ImagineSoftware’s ImagineHosting™ empowers your data environment, supplementing existing staff and resources with Imagine's fully HIPAA-compliant data center, focused solely on the healthcare industry. Learn more about how ImagineHosting™ can help you truly focus on your patients, while not having to worry about their data’s security.
The month of March celebrates Women’s History, International Women’s Day, and Medical Biller’s Day – Inspiring ImagineSoftware’s panel discussion of female medical billing experts, combining decades of experience covering automated technologies, legislature, staffing, and patient engagement.
As healthcare organizations becoming more familiar with using technology like artificial intelligence and robotic processes to automate various stages of the medical billing and revenue cycle management lifecycle, it makes sense to examine as many manual tasks as possible within these workflows to optimize existing resources.
This article was developed from an episode of Graphium Health's “Time Out For Anesthesia” with Courtney Franco, Vp of Sales at Imagine Software. You can watch or listen to the original interview via the links at the bottom of this page.